In Peshawar I visited RAWA's Star Orphanage. There used to be 2 orphanages with a total of 105 orphans but one had to close and the other had to downsize due to lack of funds.
Pictured at top are all the orphans at the orphanage. Next is older girls helping younger kids to study. Just above here is the boys room full of studious boys. On either side are two of the top girls in their class and orphanage.
see - http://www.afghanwomensmission.org/programs/orph/
and - http://www.rawa.org/index.php
Most of the orphans were sent to the already overcrowded orphanage in Kabul. Only 35 kids could be afforded to remain. They only get meat, mile, or eggs once a week. They do get sponsored to go to the good quality Afghan school nearby. The orphanage has 2 computers in their computer lab but cannot afford to pay anyone to teach or upkeep the computers. One is now not even working.
In Rawalpindi I will visit another RAWA orphanage.
RAWA would like to build a new orphanage in Jalalabad if it could raise the funds. Jalalabad is presently the only peaceful place in Afghanistan right now. There is a Rotary Club there!
see - http://www.stevebrownrotary.com/Afghanistan/index.htm
So exciting to see your work, Rachel. Awesome blog. Keep up the great work!
Julia Q. Long
hats off to you kid, for heading back to pakistan again. I remember our meeting at the rockport rotary club about 18 months ago, and I said at that time I wanted to come with you next time you went (which at that time was to be in Dec. 2006). Well, that never came to pass, and you are back again, making a big difference it appears. What can we do on this end to support your efforts there? let me know and I will pass on the word to the club. what specifically could rockport rotary club donate to the orphanage?
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