In Pakistan flooding has already stranded 20 million people, more than 10 percent of the population. A fifth of the nation is underwater. More than 3.5 million children are in imminent danger of contracting cholera and acute diarrhea; millions more are in danger of starving if they don't get help soon. More than 1,500 have already been killed by the floods.
This is a human disaster. It's also a frightening opening for the Taliban.
The 5000 rotarians in Pakistan are working full time, with their own personal income to assist the afflicted.
If you would like to help by getting a donation to where it will help, your tax deductable donation can be made in the form of a check to the Ipswich Rotary Charitable Trust, noted “Pakistan Flood” and mailed to Ipswich Rotary Club, PO Box 543, Ipswich 01938. Funds will be wired regularly by the Ipswich Rotary Club to their partners, the Rotary Clubs of Rawalpindi Rohtas and Unitown Peshawar.
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