latest from RAWA


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Displaced people from Afghan/Pakistan border

We went to the camp where we had given medicines! $1440 was collected from friends and Rotarians in US & Singapore for medicines. These were bought in Peshawar and distributed by Relief International at the camp for displaced people from Bajour, one of the Tribal Territories.

These are photos of people in the camp. Not many people were left since most had been moved to another camp closer to Peshawar.

Below are sewing & literacy classes for girls and women, something they never could have had at home in Bajour. The women were uncovered and very friendly until I took my camera out.

The Pakistan government estimates 190,000 people have been displaced by the fighting but Relief International says it is 300,000.
These people will not be able to return home for a long time. Most houses and farmland have been destroyed. The Pakistan Army says it will take only a few more months to eliminate the rebels. This is not about religion but about uneducated people empowered by drugs, who ravage most of Afghanistan as well as across the border into Pakistan. Al Qaeda is also hiding out in FATA so American drones are bombing certain targets.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Peshawar is not the same as before. People are afraid and you can hear military planes flying over at all hours. I spoke to a guy from UNCHR and he said this is the first time he has seriously starting to consider leaving his own country. He is worried about the future of his children if he stays here. One lady said she used to walk for exercise every day but now she is afraid to go out.

I am staying with Rotarian Zamarud Shah. We have just submitted a Matching Grant application partnering my Rotary Club, Ipswich, with his club, Unitown. The grant is to help a school near Charsadda, closer to FATA (Federally Administer Tribal Agency). It has rooms but no desks or trained teachers. Among the things the grant will provide are a well, washrooms, computers, teacher training, & books. Our partnering organization is DOSTI. We went to one of their better schools today.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

A beautiful Day

I brayed at this baby donkey and he thought I was his mother until he saw I only had 2 legs! Had him fooled for a minute...

Photo above left is myself with Shehzad and new Rotarians. Next is Bali, the head of the Kujer Buffalo Project, and a villager. Bali got married on Nov. 22, 2008.

This photo is the villagers cooking the sugarcane water into a thick sweet paste for us to eat.

These are Shehzad & Maimuna's lovely kids!


Shehzad, also known as "ZORO"

We went to Kujer on a lovely day with a clear blue sky! This is something many of us take for granted, but in developing counties often the atmosphere is clouded by smog and dust...

It was a trip with Shehzad & Maimuna Ahmad and their children, plus his father and his brother and sister and their families. The Kujer villagers made us sugar in every form you can imagine. Chewing the juice out of the stalk and drinking the juice were most popular.

Shehzad is not only incoming District Governor for Rotary District 3270, he is also an inspiration to many others to start Rotary Clubs. Representatives from four new clubs came over to shake his hand!

Lunch was served on tables out in the farm field where they had just harvested a fresh crop of sugar cane. This they served to us in numerous ways, all of which were very tasty.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

American in Pakistan

Last night I arrived in Pakistan. It is a holiday and things are quiet in Lahore. Only bad news sells so there is always way to much bad news going around!

Today I rode 2 horses at the Lahore Polo ground. Tomorrow morning I will have the honor of an annual visit to Kuger, with the family of Shehzad Ahmed (Rotary District 3270 incoming governor for 2010-2011). Kuger village is the sight of the wonderfully successful Buffalo Project of Lon & Helen Penna. For more info see :

I call Shezhad "Zoro" because he is the initiator, organizer & problem solver for so many wonderfully successful profects including my first Matching Grant for Revolutionary Association for the Women of Afghanistan. For info on RAWA see

For info on Zoro see his club website :